Order Procedure:

  1. Select product of your choice.
  2. Carefully read product details and terms of conditions before placing order.
  3. Provide proper name, complete address (House Number, Street Number, Block Number, Area, City Name) and Contact Number at checkout page.
  4. Incase of different recipient, provide complete sender and receiver information.
  5. After placing order pay your bill through Bank Transfer, Jazzcash or Easypaisa.
  6. For customized items send product related details like picture, name and text for customization through whatsaap after payment send .
  7. For any information kindly feel free to contact us through call, whatsaap message or email.

Placing an Order:

  1. All our prices are inclusive of taxes.
  2. For customized items kindly contact through whatsapp before placing order.
  3. For customized items delivery time is usually 6-7 working days depending upon product.
  4. To ensure timely delivery, place your orders before the cut-off times.
  5. We entertain the service of writing greetings on cakes. That service is only available for greeting cards.
  6. Complimentary greeting card will be delivered with every order.
  7. Products may vary slightly in appearance from pictures displayed on the website, especially in case of products with assorted designs/ colors.
  8. Message given by sender instructions will be typed on the gift card exactly as provided, including names and spellings.
  9. OnlineGiftShop does not book or send anonymous gifts. We require the names of the sender and the receiver. Anonymous messages are also not entertained.
  10. OnlineGiftShop reserves the right to offer substitute products in case of unavailability.